Commonly Asked TTH Q’s
We get quizzed, and questioned regularly by you lovely lot, and we absolutely love answering your questions, hopefully offering a little insight into how we best overcome the challenges faced by both you and I. When surrounded by an abundance of superheroes, it’s easy to believe you’re the only one struggling but let us tell you YOU’RE NOT. So today’s post is set to answer some of your questions, and of course we always encourage more…

How often do we train?
This totally varies based several things. The biggest complication with this is usually ‘other work’ ties. Yes, you heard it we do have other jobs, both of which take of a hefty amount of our time but also both of which we love. Training is a huge part of our life, and in many cases comes as a priority BUT when it comes work, be that catching up on TTH emails or tending to other commitments we are pretty focused on putting this first therefore training has to take a back seat. Hey, there’s always tomorrow right? Another factor is challenges, or races. If we have a half marathon event over the weekend the likelihood of us taking part in any training activity past Wednesday/Thursday is slim. We want the bodies fighting fit ready to tackle the task set. Final factor is how we feel. If we wake up one morning with every intention of hitting heavy legs, but wake feeling totally fatigued we’ll either take it as rest, or plan a less intense exercise session.

Now, I know this hasn’t totally answered your question, but I hope it has offered some insight into the normality of our regime. In short we aim for 4/5 sessions a week. Sometimes it’s more, sometimes it’s less. That’s life, and guess what? That’s ok. You’re far better having 3 strong sessions, then 7 half-hearted ones.

If you are struggling with fatigue, try mixing things up. Work up a sweat with one of your favourite HIIT classes one day, then take some time on the mat the next with an hour of yoga ZEN. This will help ensure you’re not hitting one body part continuously, keeping the body able to train without totally exhausting it.

What’s your go to full body workout?
 There are many ways to incorporate a full body workout, from full body strength sessions to paying a visit to one of the raved about (and quite right too) classes found on every corner of London.

When it comes to classes there a few that come highly TTH recommended when trying to achieve that full body burn:

Un1t– They offer both strength and cardio classes targeting every muscle in the and oh my won’t you feel it the next day. They encompass ‘athletic training’ from every angle. The strength sessions focus on form, control and keeping the muscle under tension. It’s where the real magic happens. This is then supported by their regular cardio classes promised to have you hot, sweaty and bursting with endorphins. Finally, the stretch classes allow the body to unwind, and aid your recovery.

The Foundry– If you’re lacking a little superhero status this is the place to go. The ‘City Strongman’ is a firm TTH favourite including classic moves, taken from the ‘Strongman’ style training methods. Not only do you feel like a total bad ass throughout, you’ll work muscles you never knew you had. By incorporating exercises such ‘Log Carry’, ‘Atlas ball stone to platform’ or ‘Farmers Walks’ you work the full body, with focus on keeping the core tight to support the body in carrying out the heavy lifts safely. There really is nothing like it! The ‘Full Body Lift’ class is a good call too!

Barry’s Bootcamp– Friday, Saturday and Sunday are all about ‘full body’ at the two (soon to be 3) London studios. By pairing classic strength movements with interval, incline and endurance runs Barry’s have nailed total conditioning. No matter how grumpy, tired or irritated you feel stepping into that room, we can guarantee you’ll leave feeling totally uplifted. The bright lights, wicked instructors and overall good vibes will have you running faster than you ever would have thought, and feeling stronger than you ever imagined.

When it comes to putting together our own sessions, something full body would look a little like this…
 A) 3 x 10-12 Deadlifts
B1) 3 x 10-12 Push press
B2) 3 x 10-12 BB Thruster
C1) 3 x 10-12 Incline DB Press
C2) 3 x 10-12 Seated Half Lateral Raise
C3) 3 x 10-12 Standing Lateral Raise
D1) 3x 10-12 DB Reverse Lunge
D2) 3 x 10-12 Standing DB Bent over Row
E) 3 x 10-12 Straight leg sit up with a plate

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