It’s been quite the year, hasn’t it? From total lockdown to teasing us with outdoor group visits, we’ve been juggled a fair bit, but don’t fear, the future looks brighter. There’s light at the end of the tunnel, and the promise of easing restrictions is in sight. Whilst it may not be total normality, it’s definitely a step or five in the right direction.
In saying that, we’ve learned a lot of lessons in lockdown. We’ve learned what’s valuable, we’ve learned not to take certain things for granted and we’ve learned to make the most of the daily delights that we so often to take for granted. Whilst being slightly restricted, there have been a few things we couldn’t live without, and we’re here to share them with you to help you stick out the final week (or so).

Soppy as it may sound, regular catch-ups have kept us sane, be it over the phone, during a run and there have even been a surprise cake drop or two. We went from living together, working together and training together to going solo on all of the above. It was quite a shock! Staying in contact with those you’re closest to keeps that friendly interaction that we as humans thrive off, and despite H’s best try, it’s something we simply couldn’t go without.

Home workouts have been on the high, and if you ask us there’s no better place (other than RunStrong ofc) to find them than here. To Be honest, for us, the fun in Fiit has been found in their 10-minute run warm-ups and cool-downs, as well as their short and stretchy slow classes that are perfect to peel you away from the desk as evening emerges. Looking for an easy way to add more mobility and stretching into your weekly sessions? This is it.

Mindful Chef
When it comes to cooking in lockdown, H is useless and E is a little tied for time, so Mindful Chef has been a must. For H, it offers a range of recipes with almost no option to go wrong. For E, it gives her brain a break thanks to the team at MC giving her the goods in delicious recipes and delivering just the ingredients she needs. Mindful Check top tip? Order the ‘Family Meals’, cook for 4 then save two portions for lunch the following day. You can thank us later. Use code TTH25 for 25% off your first 4 boxes.

Lockdown does not mean neglecting your self-care. With days dragging on, and no real need to get up and out its easy to fall into the frenzy of feeling a little ‘meh’. Thankfully, Urban is still open offering everything you need from sports massages to manicures. Taking time for yourself during these uncertain times is more important than ever, and what better way to do it than an hour of self-care? Use code TTH25 for 25% off.

Social sessions are our thing. Training with our pals, chatting along the way (Yup, we video called) and ideally finishing up with coffee and brunch. Zwift allowed us to do 2 of 3, and we’d be lying if we said we didn’t occasionally coffee over a call. Whilst there’s pros and cons of having training at our fingertips, Zwift gives the goodness of group rides, and friendly competition. This, this is good for the soul, and all for just £13.99 a month.

Freddies Flowers
If you ask us, nothing brightens up a room (or a day) like a fresh bunch’a flowers. Freddies Flowers deliver (as often as you’d like) right to your door, offering the ultimate feel-good feeling as soon as you unbox. Not only this, they come with a leaflet sharing exactly how to arrange best and some food to keep them fresh for a full 10 days, sometimes even longer. Want to get your hands on some of your own? Use code HannahT66 for a free box. Following that, they are £25 per box.

Fresh Fitness Food
FFF deliver meals directly to your door, no faff, no fuss just delicious food at the click of a button. Whilst we’re not out, the weekdays have still been busy so for H, FFF has been a godsend. Whether it’s Turkish Eggs for breakfast or Southern Spiced Chicken for lunch their menu never fails to disappoint. Fancy getting your hands on some great grub? Use code HANTYL50 for £50 off.
So there are just a few things that have given us some good vibes along the way, we hope they’ll do the same for you!