So, you know what we are about, but who we are still remains the question. To say we were going to do some big reveal would be a promise unkept, and also one that would lead to a rather disappointing anti climax. We are simply two (newly established) Londoners on a journey to find success through health and happiness. Hannah and Emily (we) met almost three years ago in the university playground, amongst many Welsh, and influenced by a few too many jagers. It probably wasn’t until about a year down the line, we began training together and since then we have pretty much become inseparable. Our mutual passion and interest in health and fitness helped establish a truly fantastic friendship and one that has become the foundations for ‘twicethehealth’.
With an English degree under one belt, and a sports nutrition and biomedicine under the other we were finally ready to tackle the real world, and so we moved to our very cosy two bed flat in Clapham. And here we remain living as many working members of the social media created ‘fit fam’ do, out of a tupperware!
Our lifestyle is questionable to many around us. Although, on occasion we do indulge in a gin, and a sweaty night club or two, our ideal weekend is one spent surrounded by cookbooks and Lycra. We are still new to this, and cannot wait to see what this year brings for Twice the Health. We have already been incredibly lucky,working with some fantastic companies, and meeting some wonderful people who continue to inspire and challenge us.
2015, I hope your ready!