So, you’re thinking of returning to the bar now restrictions are lifted, and doors are open? Whilst excitement is high, a certain unease sits with many of us around whether it’s the right decision for our health, and in some respects are image. There’s been a lot of judgement flying around these last few months around what’s right and what’s wrong, and we know for two, it’s certainly affected the decisions we make.
This blog post isn’t about discussing how much we should or shouldn’t take note of others opinions, it’s about the decision we make to step back into something that pre COVID brought us a lot of joy, amongst other things! The gym is where we grew stronger, more robust, and more ready than ever to tackle the challenges we faced. It’s at the route of our brand as we promote the endless benefits that sit with time spent in the gym. It’s our social space and our safe space, and it’s somewhere we (again for two) are excited to return to when we choose to.
But, no matter how high our excitement, or when we choose to return, it’s important we take note of a few key things of which we’ve shared for you too to take on board.
1) Go Easy
It’s been 4, maybe even 5 long months since you stepped away from the bar and it’s likely your load has been a lot lighter since. Don’t go in expecting your body to lift in the way it used to. Start with a little less, and build up slowly so as not to shock your system.
2) Use the Opportunity
Whilst some may see this loss of strength as a negative, we see it as a positive. It’s a chance to go back to basics and work on weaknesses that have lingered for years. Work on movement patterns, one-sided imbalanced and areas of your body that have previously been neglected to ensure you come back the strongest you’ve ever been.
3) Don’t Feel Pressured
It’s easy, especially in a class environment to get roped into ‘going hard or going home’, but this rewards no merit. Go at your pace, lift your weight and settle back into the sweat system the way your body wants to. Don’t be afraid to scale down, and explain to the instructor or coach that you’re easing back in.
4) Be Smart
Four big back to back days in the gym is not going to do you any good following four back to back months of no gym. Be smart, be sensible and structure your return to the gym wisely. Monitor the intensity, frequency and volume of your sessions to ensure you’re training efficiently and only increase these when you feel ready.
5) Minimal Equipment
The first time you return is going to be like walking into a candy store and you are going to want to try a bit of everything! However, this is going to lead to a lot of things to wipe down and waiting around. Pick your space and a piece of equipment and work with that.
6) Keep your HR low
If you choose to work out in a mask, it is probably going to be a shock to the system. Keep your heart rate low with some low and controlled reps and maybe save the assault bike for another week once you have got a little more used to wearing a face covering.
These are just a few ways in which we plan to return safer (and stronger) than ever, not beating our bodies following a few months of lighter work. Long term, you will reap the benefits… trust us!
P.s Puzzled on whether you should be wearing a mask. Give this article a read, written by the fabulous Flora!