We are big advocates of the active life. If you’ve followed us for more than 5 minutes, you’ll know we like to be on the move, be it cycling through the city or maneuvering up mountains. We’re proud of our fitness, proud of our training, and proud of our challenge. Now it’s time for you to find YOURS.
January is the ultimate motivation to move. Christmas has been and gone, the indulgence has been well earned and well enjoyed but now it’s time to knuckle down and focus on your 2017 goals, and we’ve got some tips to get you there.
When it comes to diet and fitness ‘wants’ or ‘needs’ it’s easy to compare yourself to others, to focus on what they have and strive for it. But why reach for their goals when you could reach for your own? Think long and hard about your focus and get set on it. Not only will this promise success, it’ll make that ‘I did feeling’ 1000 times better. Achieving something you’ve worked, and trained hard for is a feeling like no other.
Another top tip from us is buddy up. Discuss what it is you want with your very best, and support each other. You’ll have down days, days where you don’t feel focused… this is where you call upon your buddy for a little oomph, and a nudge in the right direction. Often this is all it takes to get you right back on track!
Finally, don’t be afraid to seek advice. It’s this all-important knowledge from those you trust that will sprinkle the fairy dust on your success. By knowing, and understanding your body a little better, you can ensure you’re both fueling and training in the most efficient way.
2017 is set to be strong for us all, and we cannot wait to hear your challenge stories be it beating that 5k PB, or getting back on the bike. Focus on your active, your move and your challenge and we promise you’ll conquer your goals.
TTH xx