I am a creature of habit and I’m the first to admit it. Routine is a dirty word to some people, a sign of dullness. My routine delights me. I like spontaneity as long as I know it’s coming! All of the fun I enjoy the most is carefully planned and organised. The excitement in my life is generated by the anticipation of knowing exactly what is coming next. I sleep most soundly when I know that my alarm will go off at 5.30am. It is my way of making the most of every day. I’m happy knowing I’ll be out the house by 6am and in the gym 45 minutes later. I’m actually happy knowing I probably won’t return until 10pm, and even then only to organise my lycra-themed outfit for the following morning before going to sleep and pressing ‘play again’.
If you know me well, you’ll know there’s one missing ingredient from this description of my beloved routine. Foooooood!! Not only do I need sustenance to fuel my squat-filled, desk-driven days, I take a special pleasure in ensuring that every morsel that enters my mouth both tastes and does me good. Thankfully, my fuel supply is fixed, delivered and tailored to my demanding needs, brought to my door and designed to my dietary requirements. Every day it arrives packed and prepped in a green and black bag labelled proudly with the three little words I love to read, ‘Fresh Fitness Food’. Fresh Fitness Food are London’s best bespoke meal delivery service, arriving daily at doors around the city. And the best bit? They could deliver to you too with a Tupperware on us using our FFF discount. Just keep reading…
The team at FFF know me better than I know myself. Don’t get me wrong, I take my human makeup very seriously indeed. I factor my height, weight and age into my activity levels and nutritional requirements but it is the guys at FFF who then interpret the relevant data in order to produce a programme of individually chef-prepared bespoke meals guaranteed to power me through my long days. Each meal tops up both my energy reserves and my ‘feelgood’ levels. This is not some necessary medicine or supplement that I need to swill down with a gulp of water in order to keep me healthy, the FFF meals are among the high points of my day. They leave me both replenished and refreshed. Even my sweet tooth gets a little of what it fancies with their selection of clean treats while my embarrassingly large appetite is satisfied by the high volume nutrition-packed plates. It’s gluttony without the guilt.
Delivered between midnight and 6am, I can be absolutely certain that as I open my front door to set out on my day my goody bag will be waiting there for me. As soon as my hour’s exercise is complete I can reward myself by opening the Tupperware door to my own personal FFF treasure chest knowing that both my muscles and taste buds will approve. No stress, no worry, no time wasted, just convenience food with a touch of gastronomic class delivered fresh and ready to devour and delight in. Thanks to FFF’s desire to distribute more bags for less you can tuck in too using our FFF discount code.
Use FFF discount code HANTYL50 to receive £50 off. Bon appetit!