Two weekends, two festivals, two very happy campers.
It’s fair to say the two recent weekend spent at opposite sides of the country singing, dancing and drinking were a little different to our usual. After weeks upon weeks of training and challenge it was time we took a little time out, and who better company to spend the downtime with than Bieber and Bastille?
First up we seeked sun, sand and surf amongst the chilled out vibes of Cornwall’s BoardMasters, before kicking up our feet in the Essex countryside to enjoy all the top acts V Fest had to share.
There’s no doubt that after a few nights camping your body will be needing a good scrub, but that’s not to say your diet needs to. We’re not saying don’t enjoy a drink or the occasional churro, all we’re saying is there’s ways to balance the booze!
- Sadly, the extra goodness may cost a little more in £££ but we think the body benefits are worth it! If they are selling burgers for £3 or less you probably don’t want to eat it. This is one place where “don’t judge a book by its cover” is not necessarily one to follow. Look out for the places with better (or even prettier) branding!
- Don’t wait until you’re starving to eat! This will only result in you diving into the closest pit stop, or the one with the shortest queue and it’s not necessarily going to be the best option when it comes to (1) Filling you up, and (2) Making you feel good. Scout out some places as you walk between acts so you know where to head when you start to get peckish.
- Healthy fat sources are normally very limited at mobile food stands, so focus on making good protein and carbohydrate choices. Steer clear of the grey burger meat with cardboard buns!
- Decide what you want as a treat! You walk in and see pizza, ‘oh ill treat myself to that’, then just around the corner you spot burgers, cheesy chips, candy floss, oreo milkshakes, churros, and before you know it you’ve indulged in half the pick’n mix stand! Have a little walk around and decide what you want your treat to be. You are there to enjoy after all!
- Drink water! We are not telling not to enjoy an alcohol beverage or 5, but alongside this don’t forget to guzzle down some water. You are exposed to the sun and dancing for long periods of time so you’ll be sweating more than you think. Once you buy a bottle of water, keep hold of it as there normally are lots of free drinking taps to refill it from too!
- Choose foods you know, and one’s that can ideally not be pumped with too much rubbish. For example the sweet potato chips we opted for on a few occasions are simply sweet potato chip. The worst they can do is add a little oil, but it’s nothing too detrimental. Things like burgers, or noodle pots can be packed with all kinds of hidden extras!
Our festival menus:
Board Masters Day 1:
Dinner – Fresh Fitness Food
Pudding – Protein Marz Bar from MuscleFood
Treat –(very) Cheesy Sweet Potato Chips
Board Masters Day 2:
Breakfast 1 – Scrambled Eggs, Halloumi, and Baked Beans
Breakfast 2 – Natural Yoghurt and Homemade Granola
Snack – Natural Energy Balls
Lunch – Chicken and Tzatziki Greek flat bread
Shared Starter – Halloumi and chorizo salad
Dinner – Nandos Chicken Wrap with Corn-On-The-Cob
Pudding – Pan-O-Ice (Our treat!)
V Fest Day 1:
Snack: Shared an OPPO shake
E’s Dinner- Burger&Beyond (with jack cheese and jalapenos)
H’s Dinner -Sweet Potato Chips
Treat – Old School Pix n Mix
V Fest Day 2:
(we stayed overnight at E’s house so we had breakfast there)
Lunch: Jerk Chicken with Rice, Beans and Plantain
Treat – Take two on the Oppo shakes ☺