The Race: Thorpe Park Half Marathon
Who we ran with: Run Through
How far did we go? 13.1 miles
Plodded upon: Roads
What did we wear:
- Bra – Lulu Lemon
- Long Sleeve Top – Lulu Lemon
- Leggings – Lulu Lemon
- Shoes – Adidas for H and ON for E

Where’d we go?
We began in Thorpe Park itself, heading out long the back roads to Thorpe Lea, Saint Ann’s Heath, Lyne, Virginia Water and Egham before returning back to the park and over the finish line!
The two shorts hills in the middle of the race. We know that sounds a little sadistic but we do enjoy a hill to wake the legs up mid run.
We Struggled…
To go to the loo just before the race. Sadly the toilet queue was a little long, but hey, when needs must!
Why this Race…
Who doesn’t want to run a race that starts and finishes in a theme park?
Famous Faces…
Mid run Brainwave…
H – If I tell Alex to start chasing down other runners he might get his PB
Alex – *beats his PB by 3mins*
Rocket Fuel…
Overnight oats for breakfast…as always!
No water or snacks while running
Post race banana for E and Nairns Oatcakes for H, followed by a feast at TTH HQ. Eggs, bread and buckets of cheese!
Number 1 Fan…
The steel drum band who were at mile 2 and also mile 11 on the way back. Nothing gets the pace up like a solid beat!