Add fruit and vegetables:
1. Frozen Spinach
- High volume but low in calories
- Good source of fibre
- Packed with vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, iron and magnesuim
2. Frozen Mango
- Brings sweetness to the smoothie without added sugar
- Antioxidants present that have been linked to a reduced risk in certain cancer
3. Choose a base:
- Rude Health Ultimate Almond
- No cholesterol or saturated fat
- This one is just made from water and almonds, so is less processed than alternatives
- No refined sugar and very low in natural sugar, this helps to stabilise blood sugar levels
4. Thicken it up:
- Rude Health Drinking Oats
- Great source of fibre
- Low GI, which prevents blood sugar levels from spiking
- Many cardiovasuclar protective properties
5. Add some flavour:
- Vanilla Essence
- Small volume offers huge flavour
- Bursting with antioxidants
6. Pack in the power:
- KMPT ‘In Your Greens’
- Extra hit of plant based protein to aid growth and repair
- A natural multivitamin
- Chia Seeds
- Great source of fibre
- Offers up some texture to the smoothie
This was our version of #TRAINyoursmoothie with TRAIN Fitness.
If you fancy making one yourself click HERE for the perfect smoothie template!