How do you like your eggs in the morning? The question on everyone’s lips upon awakening from a deep slumber come Saturday morning…Fried, scrambled, poached, sous vide, pickled, hard boiled, soft boiled or baked? The possibilities really are endless!
Eggs are known amongst the fittest for their piles of protein, but the medics of the world warn us of their high levels of cholesterol. This can leave us a little pickled! (Also another way to enjoy your eggs!) Do we or don’t we embrace the egg-citement and get egg-static for eggs?
For starters we must begin by analysing the yolk and white separately. The white is packed with over half the protein content of the yolk, with both lower fat and cholesterol levels. The whites are an excellent source of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper. As discussed above the egg yolk contains cholesterol, fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and lecithin.
If your local breakfast spot has been taken over by egg white omelettes and scrambled egg whites don’t fear! It’s time to breakdown the controversy behind the cholesterol and fat content of eggs. The fact the yolk contains cholesterol it has been given a worse off reputation than it deserves. Cholesterol is an essential part of our cells, it forms part of the cell membrane that is present in very single cell in our body! It helps to give the cells structure, without taking away its fluidity. On average our liver produces 75% of our total cholesterol the remaining 25% comes from our diet. Excess cholesterol is taken back to the liver to be excreted or broken down. Eggs don’t actually contain as much cholesterol as originally thought. A study showed that consumption of one or more eggs per day had no increase in CHD or stroke risk in comparison to those who ate one egg or less per week. There is no need to remove the yolk from your diet unless you suffer from high cholesterol, liver problems or you are diabetic. I have included an egg white omelette in this week’s #MakeMyMeals for those who need to do so.
Now we have that cleared that all up we can focus on this shelled up powerhouse! It contains enough nutrients to grow an entire chick! Pretty impressive eh? Eggs contain a full range of amino acids making them a complete and wholesome form of protein. They also contain every B vitamin (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, choline, biotin, and folic acid) possible. Although choline is not well known, eggs are one of the best food sources of it. Choline is linked to membrane structure, the nervous system and detoxification of the liver.
Vitamin A is also known as retinol, it helps to form the retina. This is the part of the eye that allows vision in dim lighting. So alongside carrots (and other foods containing vitamin A), eggs may help you to ‘see in the dark’. Halloween is nearing after all and it’s best to be prepared!
I think we’ve cleared up almost every unknown fact associated with the egg. That is of course unless anyone knows if the chicken came first?