You look forward to New Year’s Eve for about 360 days of the year and then… well, it can be a bit of an anti-climax. You cannot help yourself spending more than you would on the average weekly food shop in search of the perfect outfit, complete with overpriced clutch and then devour too many cocktails with fancy names that are probably the same ones you slaughtered the previous Saturday night under a different name.
New Year’s Eve is about ‘who’, not ‘what’ or ‘where’. Good company beats a sticky dance floor and only the combination of the two can produce a night to remember – if you can remember anything about it at all! New Year’s Eve has become a national celebration and a great excuse for bars to double their prices. So this year, we decided to beat the blues and head to E’s hometown on an adventure. We will – of course! – still be paying those double prices and sticking to those floors, only we’ll be doing it somewhere new and exciting – not to mention 3 or 4 degrees colder.
We jumped a short and sweet dawn flight landing us in Copenhagen before most of the population had even thought about breakfast. This left us the majority of the day to begin our exploring.
First things first… dump our bags. We were lucky to enough to have stumbled across ‘The Andersen’, located just minutes from the city’s central attractions including the infamous Tivoli Gardens and Meatpacking District. This boutique hotel was the perfect crash pad, playing host to weekly wine nights and a ‘serve yourself honesty bar’. It was love at first sip! Honest!! Each room is decorated with a designer guild textiles creation, mastering the cool but cosy look with minimum fuss. A sixty minute brainstorming session targeted an abundance of sightseeing ‘must do’s’ and cosy coffee hotspots. So -layers on and tech-ed up – we took to the cobbled streets.
The contrasts between new and slightly older architecture gives Copenhagen real character and distinction. First stop was the canal. By it, not in it! Bordered by an array of colour-coated restaurants, bars and houses this was the perfect picture spot for any blogger bonkers for an afternoon of happy snapping activity. Er… us!
We spent the afternoon wandering the streets stopping for several coffees (as expected) before rumbling tummies lured us straight to one of the ‘Bagel Deli’s’dotted along the canal. Freshly toasted rye bagels packed with protein were on offer and we both opted for the ‘chicken, feta, sun-dried tomato’ combo. It did not disappoint leaving us full to the brim and ready to embrace the arctic conditions.
We spent the remaining hours in the hub of the city ducking and diving into each and every opening that took our fancy. The city’s serenity was something of a surprise to us London living girls used to the hustle and bustle of the capital we call home. The Danish streets promote an aimless wander, guided only by the lights welcoming the fast-approaching New Year. Each and every alley unveiled an abundance of life. We soon forgot the fact we couldn’t feel our fingers and with Go Pros in hand we disappeared into the city’s celebrations. Something of a dream for us fast paced, laptop-led wanderers.
Late afternoon saw us head back to our rooms for a quick cuppa and change of attire before heading to the hotel lounge. We warmed up for the night ahead with a performance from best friend and travel buddy, Mollie Bylett, who took us through a couple of her finest covers. The social space boasts an intimate feel with drinks available for self-service and snacks on tap. We cannot think of a better setting in which to see the old one out… Can you?
All that’s left to do is to destroy a vodka tonic or two in readiness for an evening of offensive dance moves before we greet the New Year with open arms. To think that TTH is not yet even a year old… we can hardly believe all that’s happened in 2015 and we cannot wait to share the next 12 months with you.
A little worse for wear no doubt but we’ll see you on the other side! Bottoms up!!