The Race: The Saucony Cambridge Half Marathon
Who we ran with: Saucony
How far did we go? 13.1 miles
Plodded upon: Asphalt, pavement and cobbles. Talk about tricky terrain!
What did we wear:
- Bra – Lorna Jane
- Long Sleeve – Lorna Jane
- Leggings – Lorna Jane
- Shoes – Saucony
- Activity Tracker – Polar A360 (See our review)

Where’d we go?
Cambridge city centre, Trumpington Road and Grantchester.
Running past E’s old prep school bringing back all sorts of memories.
We Struggled…
The tiny bridge on Garret Hostel Lane that crosses the river Cam at 10.5miles. It is a small bridge, only about 15meters long, but is very steep and doesn’t offer much space to say the least!
Why this Race…
The route is beautiful! You head out along Trumpington Road which is lined with huge chestnut trees. The race then passes though Grantchester, at which point any tiredness is overcome thanks to the beautiful stone houses and the desire to move it at once. Finally the course loops back through the stunning cobbled streets and famous Colleges that make up Cambridge. As it is on Fen land the course is very flat and so a great opportunity to put in a quick time!
Famous Faces…
My sister! (Only person I knew)
Mid run Brainwave…
How much energy could be created from all the footstrike’s during the race?
Number 1 Fan…
The old lady waving out the second storey window of her nursing home with a big 90th birthday balloon! She was between the 1st and 2nd mile marker and was still waving on our way back in between 11th and 12th mile markers…what a trooper!