The Race: The Great North Run
Who we ran with: Lucozade Sport
How far did we go? 13.1 miles
Plodded upon: Motorway, many many miles of it!

Where’d we go?
Up North t’Newcastle
Running over the iconic Tyne bridge. The perfect way to start the race!
We Struggled…
Although it was all part of the atmosphere there were a lot of people…57,000 of them to be exact. This means I had to run a lot further to get around groups of people, so it’s probably not one to enter if you’re hoping for a PB crusher.
Why this Race…
It’s one of the biggest races in the world and Europe’s largest half marathon. It’s one of many sure to make the road runners bucket list!
Famous Faces…
Mo Farah!!! What a privilege to have shared the road with such a legend… even if I was 43mins behind him!
Mid run Brainwave…
If I follow the tall people they find a better route though the crowds… and it worked!
Rocket Fuel…
The day before, the morning of, and after the race I slipped on Lucoazde Sport orange to help keep my electrolytes balanced and my carbohydrate stores replenished.
I also gobbled down a Lucozade Sport carbohydrate and protein berry bar post race to ease my aching muscles.
Number 1 Fan…
Sadly H was injured again so she took to the pavements to cheer me along, and of course greeted me with the BIGGEST slice of peanut butter rice crispy cake I have ever seen!
Also a huge thank you to the Lucozade Team, those who made it all happen and my fellow runners!