“I’m going on a diet where I cut out all carbs”. How many times have you heard a friend (or yourself) say this…and how long have you seen it last? Maybe a few hours? A few [...]
And so the first week of marathon training is complete, and what better way to finish than with a 7 mile awakening along chelsea embankment. Despite the few glasses of red wine enjoyed last night [...]
The mighty beet…no we are not talking about the newest dance track but in fact the beautiful pink root vegetable! The unassuming beet has many nutritional and disease protecting [...]
It’s the hashtag of 2014, and is one that is regularly trending. But what exactly does it mean? Surely ‘fitspiration’ cannot hold just one definition? We all aspire to be [...]
Slightly terrified, maybe, but excited, absolutely! We have managed to secure ourselves a last minute spot to take part in our very own capitals survival of the fittest, ‘The Virgin Money London [...]