It’s been a big contender in the DM inbox, and actually something we’re forever asked. Now whilst we’ve answered it in the past, today’s spiel is specific to what we have we been running with during our Race to the Stones training. You guys have been quick to question our kit picks, tech choices and food fancies, so here it is, the low down you’ve all been waiting for.
P.s Please note, whilst these choices work for us, they may not work for you. Each to their own, we’re only here to offer suggestions and direction.

Kit from bottom to top:
E has been running in On cloudflows for almost two years now and so the choice to stick with her current footwear was easy. H on the other hand likes to try a new pair of trainers almost every week, and as a result has really done the rounds. It’s taken some time, but she has finally settled on a pair of Ons. Not quite the same, because shockingly we’re not the same person.The trainer of choice has become the the On cloudstratus. Although they are from the same brand they are very different shoes. E likes to be able to feel the ground and run in a very ‘reactive shoe’, whereas H likes a bit more cushioning. We highly recommend getting a gait analysis before you just choose a pair because “you like the colour “(ahem H). We recommend visiting either ProFeet (if you’re London based) or Up&Running.
When it comes to socks, some think it may be an area where you can cut some corners. Sadly, said people are wrong! Bad socks are only going to leave you with blisters and pressure points worth rubbing. Our socks of choice may not win any fashion awards but your toes will definitely thank you. We wear YAMAtune toe socks. We find that it reduces the likelihood of us getting blisters as there is less friction due to the rubber dots on the bottom and having your toes separated by the socks… sexy eh?
If you’ve been following us for a while now you will probably know that our legs are always clad in lululemon, be it long winter tights or short summer shorts. Recently we have made said switch, which if you know us you’ll know is something we have always feared due to the dreaded thigh chafe. Cue lululemon, stocking shorts for those of us with thighs and glutes. We can highly recommend the train times 6” shorts , the speed up 6” shorts (especially if you like a pocket) and the squat strong shorts if you prefer a little more coverage.
Sports Bra
We are not on the ‘busty’ side, but boobs big or small a good running bra is essential, not only comfort but also for performance. We turn to our trusty energy bra from lululemon . The crisscross back allows our shoulder blades to move freely while running and avoid any friction, plus the medium support means we feel supported but not crushed.
We have been more varied in our top choices dependent on the weather we have been running in. Our favourite go to tank is the lululemon swiftly tech racer back . It is very lightweight and sits under our backpack well, meaning it doesn’t rub, or encourage our top to rise up our backs.
Ahead of RTTS we made the switch from one Garmin to another, upon realising what we were currently wearing would not endure the hours on the trail. The 945 came highly recommended, and it has since not disappointed. We absolutely love it, and look forward to tracking our full stint, no matter how many hours it takes!
We have recently started running in the Salomon ADV Skin 5 Set which we have been loving! They go right down to an XS, perfect if you’ve got a tiny rib cage like H. They are also multigender! You can fit 2x500ml in the front of the jacket, which we have found is a much easier way of keeping track of your hydration. There is also space in the back for a bladder, however, we have been using it for layers and food storage. It’s stretchy too, so there’s a lot more space than you think.
Running in sunnies used to be a big no-no for us. We found that they tickled our noses just us? Anyway… in walks Sungod to solve the nose issue! We have run in their Classics, Sierras, and Pacebreakers and they do not budge or tickle! They even fit E’s tiny pea brain!
Food from the night before to the mel after:
Many people overlook the meal the night before but it can actually be a very important factor for pre race, not only nutrient wise but also how it affects your sleep. If you watch our stories you will have probably seen that our ‘meal the night before’ is pesto wholemeal pasta with peas, and parmesan. We find the complex carbohydrates really help us to drift off to sleep, and slumber right the way through. The pesto and parmesan are a great source of fat, offering up 9kcal per gram which helps to ensure the fuel tank is fully topped up ahead of race day. You do not need to go stuffing yourself silly, this will only lead to discomfort when running in the morning. You can always cook extra, should you need to pop back for bowl 2!
For E this needs to be eaten 2hours before running, but for H she is OK with 1hour 30min. WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT. Our choice of food is again different!
Overnight oats with peanut butter, honey and sliced banana for E and marmite on toast for H. We both opt for a high complex carbohydrate breakfast as our diet tends to be pretty carbohydrate-rich anyway, so it is the energy source that our body best utilises.
During the run
Again this is a very personal choice so please do not assume that these are the foods you have to eat. For this race in particular we have been loving Pic’s Peanut Butter Slugs , Chia Charge bars , Clif Cubes , and Nairns Oat biscuits. We’ve also opted for the occasional cheese sandwich! A little bit more about what we eat and why whilst on the move can be found here.
Post run
Oh this is when the pizza and cold G+Ts call! Saying this, you may want to keep your hair up for just a little bit longer. What you put into your body in 24hours after a big event is going to massively impact your recovery. If that is something you’re not fussed about then go wild, you just smashed it… who are we to tell you otherwise? However, if you are hoping to help your incredible body recover then here are a few things to think about;
- Hydration (perhaps even add in a phizz tablet for good measure!)
- Enough food, micronutrients. Check out a post we did on post-run nutrition for more on those pointers..
- If you, like H struggle to eat try a shake. H uses Project E2 recovery shake and loves it!